UDC 37.09:342
A.V. Vereshchagina is Cand. Sci. (Law), Ass. Prof. Head of Department of Criminal Law Disciplines e-mail: vereschagina_alla@mail.ru; and A.P. Grudinina is Senior Lecturer of Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law e-mail: anastasia.gr_93@mail.ru, both at State University of Economics and Service
Presented are results of generalizing the experience of using interactive methods of teaching constitutional law to undergraduate students of the 40.03.01 “Jurisprudence” direction at the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. The aim of the study is to show various techniques for using interactive teaching methods to form universal competencies in law students. The authors’ position on the need to maintain a balance between the theoretical and applied components of teaching, the use of a set of passive / active and interactive methods, the specific set of which depends on the content of the studied topic of constitutional law, is stated. A prerequisite for the effective use of interactive teaching methods is a thorough theoretical training of students. In the absence of theoretical training of students, the goal of using interactive technologies — the formation of universal competencies — is difficult to achieve. The publication provides specific interactive methods of conducting classes on various topics of constitutional law. Attention is also paid to the peculiarities of the implementation of the right to freedom of teaching through the prism of the specifics of constitutional law governing political and legal institutions. The criteria for the admissibility of making value judgments on the issues under consideration are 1) the professional activity of the teacher and 2) the inadmissibility of campaigning in the interests of any political associations. The role of a teacher of constitutional law is to form a respectful attitude of students to law in general, and, in particular, to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Key words: legal education, Federal State Educational Standard of higher education, universal competencies, general professional competencies, professional competencies, constitutional law, interactive teaching methods.
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