UDC 304:332
E.I. Vasileva is Cand. of Sociology, Ass. Prof. Ass. Prof. of Department of Regional and Municipal Management e-mail: vasilyeva-ekb@yandex.ru; A.V. Orfonidii is Post-graduate Student e-mail: orfonidiin@mail.ru; both at Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Presented is the research in effectiveness of introduction of elements of the Smart City concept in the municipalities of the Sverdlovsk region. It is established that the cities of the Sverdlovsk region participating in the implementation of the “Smart City” concept initially use different approaches in the field of digitalization of urban spaces; and most of the measures envisaged at the first stage of the implementation of road maps are mainly point-based, selective digitalization and intellectualization of individual services and infrastructure elements. As a result of the analysis of the managerial and social efficiency of the introduction of “smart” technologies in the cities of the Sverdlovsk region, the author of the work identified a list of problems, in particular: 1) the diverse nature of the activities of municipalities due to the lack of mandatory regional standards; 2) low personnel potential of local self-government bodies in the implementation of the Smart City project; 3) low level of public participation in the development and implementation of the introduction of smart technologies in the urban environment; 4) insufficient level of financing of municipal Smart City projects; 5) ignoring by municipalities the best cases for the introduction of “smart” technologies; 6) lack of involvement of educational and scientific organizations in the design of “smart” technologies for managing urban processes. One of the basic problems of introducing elements of the Smart City concept in the municipalities of the Sverdlovsk Region is the low level of awareness and involvement of the local community in choosing priorities for the digital transformation of urban management. In conclusion, the authors propose a unified model of a smart city based on the principle of selecting key elements.
Key words: smart city, local government, municipal management, efficiency.
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4. On the approval of the action plan and information support for projects in the areas of housing and communal services, the formation of a comfortable urban environment and the regional program “Smart Cities of the Sverdlovsk Region” in the territory of the Sverdlovsk Region for 2021: Decree of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region No. 18-RP dated January 25, 2021 Access from the reference.-the legal system “ConsultantPlus”.
5. Reference-report on the Smart City 2020 project. Department of Informatization and Communications of the Sverdlovsk region during the internship. The document was not published.
6. Report of the Head of Yekaterinburg on the results of his activities and the activities of the Yekaterinburg City Administration, including the resolution of issues raised by the Yekaterinburg City Duma, for 2019. URL: https://www.egd.ru/files/unidoc/ResolutionDuma_23.06.2020_38_1.docx (accessed on: 26.06.2021).
7. Report of Konstantin Pospelov on the achieved values of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the activities of local self-government bodies of the Polevsky city district for 2020 and their planned values for a 3-year period. URL: https://polevsk.midural.ru/uploads/Доклад Chapters 2020.rar (accessed on: 26.06.2021).
8. Report of the Head of the Novouralsky city District on his activities for 2020, including on resolving issues raised by the Duma of the city district. The document was not published.
9. NIITS — Indicators of smart cities. NIITS. 2017. URL: http://niitc.ru/projects/indikatory-umnykh-gorodov-niits-2017 (accessed on: 26.06.2021).
10. The project “Smart city” in Yekaterinburg became indicative for the First channel. URL: https://xn--80acgfbsl1azdqr.xn--p1ai/news/77666-proekt-umnyy-gorod-v-eka... (accessed on: 26.06.2021).
11. The Academic district of Yekaterinburg will become a pilot site of the Smart City project of the channel. URL: http://urbc.ru/1068085927-akademicheskiy-rayon-ekaterinburga-stanet-pilo... (accessed on: 26.06.2021).
12. The Ministry of Construction of Russia has published a rating of “Smart cities”. URL: https://dis.midural.ru/article/show/id/10015 (accessed on: 26.06.2021).
13. Polevskoy made a choice: residents of the city of the Sverdlovsk region voted for the directions of modernization under the Smart City project. URL: https://www.company.rt.ru/press/news_fill/d450607/ (accessed on: 26.06.2021).
14. Digital platform “Smart City”: An open online platform for interaction between the authorities and residents. URL: https://rosatom.city/с (accessed on: 26.06.2021).
15. There is a catastrophic shortage of IT-specialists in Russia. Employers “are forced to pay them more”. URL: https://www.cnews.ru/news/top/2021-02-17_v_rossii_katastroficheskij (accessed on: 24.08.2021).