Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Fifty Years in the Military Scientific System: Vocation — Pedagogy

B.L. Belyakov, А.В. Пинчук

UDC 378-051 


B.L. Belyakov is Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Prof., Honored worker of Higher School of Russia, Scientific Researcher at at Military Academy of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces е-mail:; A.V. Pinchuk is Cand. Sci. (Military science), Ass. Prof. at Special sub-faculty at Military Academy of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces


Shown are the main stages of the history of the formation of the personality of the military teacher, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Solodova Evgenia Alexandrovna, her individual characteristics and attitude to people (students, cadets, listeners, adjuncts, doctoral students) in the process of the origin, development and functioning of the unique scientific and pedagogical team of the higher school of the higher education system of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “the Department of Military Acmeology and Cybernetics of the VA RVSN. Peter the Great”, which celebrated its 45th anniversary in August 2021. The article presents a new direction and prospects for the scientific development of gender (female) pedagogy, which is an integral part of the military pedagogical school of the RVSN, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Key words: higher school teacher, pedagogical culture of a modern teacher of higher military school, Military Academy of the Peter the Great Strategic Missile Forces, department, military acmeology and cybernetics, continuity, traditions, training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, vocation, creativity, military scientific school.



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