Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Methods of teaching philosophy in a modern Technical University: “challenges” and “answers” in the paradigm of the competence-based approach

L.V. Pyatiletova
80,00 ₽

UDC 37.09:1   


L.V. Pyatiletova is Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Ass. Prof., Ass. Prof., Department of USES at Ural State University of Railway Transport е-mail:

Analyzed is the problem of teaching philosophy at a modern technical university: the place and significance of philosophy in the university cycle of disciplines, its genetic connection with the mission of the university. The relevance of this problem and the search for answers to the challenges of the time sharply raises the question that is latently present within the competence-based approach implemented in the modern educational space — about effective methods of teaching philosophy as an academic discipline within the framework of a technical university in close connection, taking into account the characteristics of students - course participants, representatives of technical areas of study that have a certain specificity of the perception of social and humanitarian knowledge. The article reveals the potential of such discipline teaching methods as Socratic and Pragmatic, the active use of which opens up prospects for a new ontology of university philosophy: as an anthropological practice of the Other, a practice that organically absorbs the utilitarian expectations from studying the content of the university discipline “Philosophy” by students of technical specialties.

Key words: philosophy, higher education, teaching methods, Socratic method, Pragmatic method, competence-based approach, university, technical university, anthropological practice.


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