UDC 378-042.4:004
O.G. Vasyukov is Cand.Sci (Pedagogy), Ass. Prof. at sub-faculty “Information developing and educational systems and technologies” at Samara State Technical University e-mail: vasuyk3008@mail.ru
Examines the positive and negative sides of distance education in aspects of quality of education and economic efficiency of the distance learning software that are used in the training for the selected training areas/specialties. In the course of the research conducted by the method of questioning students, it was revealed that at the current time, 69.7% of students have none of the programs they need for further direct training of their profession on their home computers. Considering the provision of students with the software they need to study basic subjects, it was found that 24.5% of students have Microsoft Office 2007 or earlier installed on their personal computers (PCs) or laptops, that is, SOFTWARE that is already considered obsolete. Thus, almost every fourth student, when performing practical, laboratory, course work using a software package for working in the office, experiences difficulties. In the course of the research conducted by the method of questioning students, it was revealed that at the current time, 69.7% of students have none of the programs they need for further direct training of their profession on their home computers. Considering the provision of students with the software they need to study basic subjects, it was found that 24.5% of students have Microsoft Office 2007 or earlier installed on their personal computers (PCs) or laptops, that is, SOFTWARE that is already considered obsolete. Thus, almost every fourth student, when performing practical, laboratory, course work using a software package for working in the office, experiences difficulties. Why the computer works even slower and with various failures and failures. Moreover, the specified percentage may also be even higher, since 8.6% of students could not answer what OS they have installed. Studying in the traditional form of training, this lack of hardware and SOFTWARE is eliminated, since in the University’s computer classes, there are PCs that support reliable operation with Windows 10 and Microsoft Office 2010 and are protected from viruses and attacks by installed and constantly updated antivirus programs. The article reveals the problems that affect the quality of students’ education when switching to distance learning. Namely, the absence or non-compliance of Hardware and SOFTWARE for students’ computers and laptops with modern requirements for Hardware and SOFTWARE for performing teachers’ tasks. The author concludes that when switching to full distance education in technical specialties, the state will lose, according to the most optimistic forecasts, from 19.8 to 69.7% of well-prepared students only because their education does not meet modern requirements.
Key words: distance learning, distance education, software, operating system, Microsoft Office package.
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