UDC (377+378):37.02
V.P. Soloviev is Cand. Sci. (Technic), Prof. at NUST MISIS; and T.A. Pereskokova is Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Ass. Prof. at Institute of Russian Geological University (MGRI) n.a. Sergo Ordzhonikidze brunch in Stary Oskol e-mail: solovjev@mail.ru
Discussed is the problem of upbringing activities in the system of vocational education. In recent years this problem has not received much attention. To correct this situation, in July 2020 amendments were made to the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” about the problem of upbringing of students. Approved that it is necessary to include a working program of upbringing of students in educational programs. It is proposed that at the beginning the educational organization should develop a generalized program of upbringing of students and a calendar plan of upbringing activities. A variant of the program of upbringing of students at the university is given.
Key words: education, upbringing, trainees, teachers, educational standard, educational program, professional standard.
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