Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Intellectual preparation as a resource and value in science and education

A.R. Dauletkeriev
80,00 ₽

UDC 16:37.09


A.R. Dauletkeriev is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), Ass. Prof. at Grozny State Oil Technical University n.a. Academician M.D. Millionshtchikov e-mail:


Analyzed are various concepts of intelligence as values of the humanistic philosophy of education, as well as the emergence and development of the modern concept of intelligence. Emphasized is the imperative of the intellectualization of education, aimed at the formation of a person’s intellectual culture in the process of conscious learning.

Key words: intelligence, value, knowledge, thinking, ability, education.





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2. Ladenko, I.S., Volkova, G.P. The development of intelligence in education and the development of intelligent technologies. Novosibirsk: IPiPr SO RAS, 1994. 43 p.

3. Kuznetsova, A.Ya. The innovative potential of the cognitive theory of personality in the philosophy of education. Fundamental research. 2009. No. 2. P. 77–78.

4. Kuznetsova, A.Ya. Education of a modern person: theory, philosophy, methodology. Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University. Novosibirsk, 2010. 88 p.

5. Subetto, A.I. Thinkers of humanity about mind, intellect and creativity. Academy of Trinitarianism. URL:

6. Chardin, P.T. de. The Phenomenon of Man). Moscow: Progress, 1987. 240 p.

7. Hume, D. Works: in 2 vols. Vol. 1. Moscow: Mysl, 1965. 847 p.

8. Kleho, Yu.Ya. Educational imperative. Moscow, 1998. 367 p.