UDC 308(44)
N.M. Nasirova is doctoral candidate at Sumgait State University e-mail: nargiz917@gmail.com
Examined is the problem of sociological approaches to the management system of France, relevant in view of the increasing complexity of modern social development. Therefore, it was necessary to consider the role of France, as one of the leading countries in the world, which made a significant contribution to the development of both European and global civilization, in the development of social thought, including sociological one. In studying the issue of the application of sociological approaches in the management of society, the system method was used. It was determined that a feature of the contribution of French sociologists was the diversity of approaches and directions in the development of sociological ideas and their practical orientation. Leading experts actively participated here in political processes, showed their attitude to the most “hot” social events in the field of religion, law, morality, politics. In addition, there was a process of active integration of sociology with related sciences, such as linguistics, economics, ethnography, law, history, etc.
Key words: sociology in France, social management, theory and practice, stages of interaction between sociological science and management.
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