Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Socio-cultural aspects of integration of immigrants in border regions

A.V. Pastyuk, S.A. Oleynik, V.V. Solokha
80,00 ₽

UDC  314.1(1-0)    


A.V. Pastyuk is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), Senior Lecturer e-mail:; S.A. Oleynik is Applicant for Ph.D. e-mail:; and V.V. Solokha is PhD student e-mail: at Belgorod State National Research University


Defined are socio-cultural features of integration of immigrants into host community at border regions. The article presents results of the author’s sociological research, organized in Belgorod and Voronezh regions in form of interviewing foreign migrants. Emphasized is, that border regions have special specifics, that require development of comprehensive state policy in relation to integration of migrants. Also the main problems of adaptation and integration of foreign labor migrants in the border areas are identified. Such are in particular the low level of trust of migrants in relation to state and municipal authorities. The study analyzes regional characteristics of foreign labor migration in border regions of Russia. It is noted, that presence of social ties with the host community is a significant factor in adaptation of migrants into new environment. Performed diagnostics of practice of integration of immigrants into border region made possible to identify the main problems that hinder processes of optimization of integration policy in relation to foreign labor migrants. One of the main directions is that, that development of state policy regarding integration of migrants into the host community is activation of new subjects of support for integration and adaptation, namely public organizations and the third sector.

Key words: integration of migrants, host community, border region.



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