Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Value of internet resources on stage of modern training in foreign languages

E.A. Monastyrskaya , O.V. Mityakina, M.A. Silkova
80,00 ₽

UDC 7.9-042.4:811:004 




E.A. Monastyrskaya is Cand.Sci. (Philology), Ass. Prof.; O.V. Mityakina is Ass. Prof; and M.A. Silkova is Senior Lecturer. All authors at Kemerovo State University e-mail:


Shown is experience of using Internet resources in training students in foreign language. The relevance of using information environment in teaching foreign languages is due to forced distance learning. To activate the cognitive interest and develop communicative abilities of students in non-linguistic areas, advisable is to use project methods. Mandatory condition is the appeal of participants in educational environment to social networks, they enable online communication with native speakers. The E-mail project is considered as a means of implementing linguo-culturological approach in teaching a foreign language. The article describes two methodological tasks of project activity in the aspect of cross-disciplinary connections. The authors note the effectiveness of using the electronic information environment for training students in English.

Key words: digitalization of education, e-learning, internet technologies, university, cross-disciplinary connections.



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