UDC 165::51
G.G. Zeynalov is Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), prof. e-mail: zggo@mail.ru; V.V. Kadakin is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. e-mail: reception@mordgpi.ru at Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute n.a. M.E. Evseviev; and A.Z. Abdullayev is Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), prof., first vice-rector at Academy of Public Administration under the president of Republic of Azerbaijan
Presented is description of career as a writer of prominent scientist G.I. Sarantsev. Gennady Ivanovich Sarantsev (1938–2019), Soviet-Russian teacher, Doctor of Pedagogical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, developed a new scientific direction of research, i.e. methodology of teaching mathematics. The basis of his scientific research was the idea of humanization and humanization of mathematical education, and the driving force was inclusion of human resource in the learning process. For famous scientist, aesthetic motivation is a basic factor in development of abstract mathematical knowledge. Being the bearer of the post-non-classical type of thinking, G.I. Sarantsev suggested, that students develop aesthetic taste in the process of solving mathematical problems. Sense of beauty, the birth of sublime feelings act as an important life stimulant in the process of cognition of the world.
Key words: Gennady Ivanovich Sarantsev, teacher, philosophical and aesthetic traditions, mathematical knowledge, methodology, teaching methods, beauty, aesthetic taste.
1. Sarantsev, G.I. Methodology of teaching mathematics. Saransk, 2001.
2. Sarantsev, G.I. Aesthetic motivation in teaching mathematics. Saransk, 2003.
3. Sarantsev, G.I. Beauty in mathematics, mathematics in beauty. Pedagogy. 2004. No. 3. P. 24–31.
4. Sarantsev G.I. Methods of teaching mathematics: methodology and theory. Kazan, 2012.
5. Sarantsev, G.I. Methodological thinking in the context of evolution of subject didactics. Novosibirsk, 2007.
6. Samokhvalova, V.I. Beauty versus Entropy. Moscow, 1990.
7. Sarantsev, G.I. To the Teacher — Contemporary methodical thinking. Science and school. 2014. No. 2. P. 12–16.
8. Aslanov, R.M. Teachers and mathematicians: historical and mathematical essays. Moscow, 2015.