UDC 101:314/316
A.E. Shishkin is Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. at Samara Medical University “Reaviz” e-mail: ladomir12345@rambler.ru
Discussed is the Social contract between the government and the people, based on the ideal model of Russian society, proposed by K.S. Aksakov. The essence of the proposal boils down to unlimited power of governing the country and allowing the people to freely create tribal communities. According to Slavophil, in Russia they didn’t take an inventory of identity of autochthonous peoples with their ancestors, traditions and religion, but forcedly drove them into the “alien” western world. As a result, people fell by 20% in number. The nobles established slavery over the peasants. From collusion of emperor Peter I with masons, the country “became pregnant” with the October Revolution and the Civil War. Following Aksakov, the author concludes, that Russian people might to abandon cosmopolitanism and “return to their homeland” with motivation to revive the ideal self-developing communitarian society.
Key words: conservatism, slavophilism, Hegelianism, apologetics, universal humanity, syntagma, Eurocentrism, communitarianism, confusion, ideal society.
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