UDC 338:316.33:631.3
V.V. Komarov is Cand.Sci. (Economy), prof. e-mail:komarovvv@list.ru; L.V. Pronchenko is Dr.Sci. (Economy), prof. e-mail: pron124@yandex.ru; and N.I. Litvina is Cand.Sci. (Economy), prof. e-mail: nil-04@mail.ru at Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University
Analyzed is state of development of agricultural machinery in Russia, it’s role in improving efficiency of agriculture as a whole. Measures to optimize tax, monetary and foreign economic policies as to support of national producers of agricultural machinery are specified.
Key words: agricultural machinery industry, development programs of agriculture, trade and industrial chamber of Russia, Rosselhozmash.
1. Strategy for development of agricultural machinery in Russia for the period up to 2030. Order of the government of the Russian Federation, dated July 7, 2017, no. 1455-p.
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3. Rostselhozmash today. URL: http://ru.rostselmash.com/company/about/today
4. Babkin, K. Why the tractor plant will remain in Canada. URL: http://babkin-k. livejournal.com/182898.html
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