Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Features of interaction with living environment as factor for differentiation of types of social adaptation of students residents in hostels

V.Yu. Flyagina, K.V. Gribenschikov
80,00 ₽

UDC 316.4/.6+378  


V.Yu. Flyagina is Cand.Sci. (History), doc. e-mail:;  and K.V. Gribenschikov is student e-mail: at Kemerovo State University


Studied is correlation between individual’s type of social adaptation and the nature of interaction with environment. The article reveals the concept and factors of living environment, it also discusses the concept of social adaptation and classification of types of social adaptation, that fully reflects peculiarities of students’ adaptation to living environment in student hostel (specific conditions of communal living, shared household, accepting norms, values and traditions of social group, etc.). The authors suggest a list of indicators for identifying the type of social adaptation, depending on students’ interaction with living environment, and specify characteristics for each type, which allowed them to construct some kind of models of interaction of students with the hostel and its inhabitants. The authors make a number of conclusions, namely: three groups of students were identified corresponding to three types of social adaptation: progressive-active, progressive-passive and non-adapted part, none of respondents could be referred to regressive type. Correlation between the nature of students’ impact on environment and the type of their social adaptation was proved as well as correlation between nature of impact of environment on individual and that of the individual on environment. The study also proved correlation between formation of certain type of social adaptation and individual’s attitude to living environment, their establishing relations in environment (differences between passive-progressive and active-progressive types of social adaptation), and ways of solving problems. The authors argue that there is correlation between type of social adaptation implemented by respondents and their satisfaction with living environment, as well as their ability to adjust available living environment conditions to their needs (differences between the passive-progressive and active-progressive types of social adaptation). The authors established correlation between type of adaptation and speed of response to emerging changes in living environment conditions (differences between passive-progressive and active-progressive types of social adaptation). The results contribute new information for studying position, occupied by individual in interaction with living environment, and impact of environment on individual. The study results can be used in diagnosing types of students’ social adaptation and choosing methods to improve their adaptation prospects.

Key words: social adaptation, living environment, student hostel, students, types of social adaptation, features of lifestyle, interaction.



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