UDC 378:37.09
O.V. Shelomentseva is Cand.Sci. (Biology), doc. e-mail: ov_shelom@mail.ru ; G.K. Kovaleva is Cand.Sci. (Biology), doc. e-mail: gulmirakovaleva@mail.ru ; G.V. Toropova is Cand.Sci. (Biology), doc. e-mail: toropova.kgmu@yandex.ru; and E.V. Fisher is student e-mail: zhora.fisher.99@bk.ru at Krasnoyarsk State Medical University n.a. Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky
Presented is description of chronomancy of interactive session as to working program on discipline of “Histology, Embriology and Cytology” of KrasSMU n.a. Prof. V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky. Results of the questionnaire show attitude of students to using of interactive forms of training in educational process. Established is connection between such categories of questionnaire, as preparation for lesson, carrying out occupation and efficiency of development of theoretical material by trainees. As the result of the research, revealed is, that interactive classes contribute to development of thinking and analytical activities. Elaborated are both positive and negative sides of such forms of practical training lessons.
Key words: FGOS VPO, interactive forms of learning, general cultural competence, press conference, questionnaire, doctor.
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