Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Formation of economic component in knowledge of graduates of art universities in the sphere of social cultural and leisure activity

O.V. Arkhangelskaya
80,00 ₽

UDC 378.14: 351.85


O.V. Arkhangelskaya is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), deputy director for scientific research work at Moscow branch of Higher Folk Arts School (Academy) e-mail:


Analyzed are various existing opinions of researchers as to new standards of higher professional education. Presented are some variations of development of economic aspect of higher vocational education in the sphere of traditional applied arts. Also offered is list of competences in that sphere, realization of such allowing to expand opportunities of graduates of universities of traditionally applied arts. Besides, examined are issues, that might be included in corresponding educational programs.

Key words: state standard of higher education, competences, activity approach, educational programs, vital cycle of educational standard, innovative development of education.



1. The order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 8, 2011, No. 2227-r “About strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation for the period of the years of 2020”.

2. Abour national innovative system in education and the task of scientific assurance of it’s development.

3. Methodical recommendations on development and realization on the basis of personal competence approach educational programs VPO, oriented on FGOD of the third generation. Moscow, 2007.

4. Rubinsteyn, S.L. Fundamentals of general psychology. St.-Petersburg, 2000.

5. FGOS of specialty 51.03.03 “Social cultural activity”.

6. FGOS of specialty 51.03.02 “Folk art culture”.

7. GDP of Russia per capita by years: 1993-2016.

8. WEB-observatory of art education of states participants of the CIS.