UDC 37.012.1
N.I. Lobanova is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), doc. at Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University n.a. V.P. Astafiev e-mail: nanakrasnoyarsk@yandex.ru
Analyzed is the problem of determining goals and subject of training, based on originality of current situation (gap between real educational practice and challenges posed by transformation of technological and economic structures) and specifics of the human phenomenon, due to special role of signs in formation of mechanisms of human consciousness and culture in general. The analysis of teleology of education is conducted in the context of new direction in modern education, i.e. edusemiotics. The author, taking into account experience gained by domestic semiotic school, focuses principal attention on phenomenon of importance and the role it plays in relation to establishment of learning goals, and as consequence on value-semantic aspect of behavior.
Key words: edusemiotics, semiotic approach to education, teleology of education, meaningful forms of behavior, universal competences.
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