Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Opposition between academic and administrative staff in modern university

A.V. Kolycheva
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A.V. Kolycheva is post-graduate student, junior researcher at NIU “Higher School of Economics” e-mail:


Presented is review on number of sources in English, discussing tension between representatives of managerial and academic ethos in modern universities. Basing on those publications and events, debating in mass media, the author is analyzing causes and ways for solving conflicts between two permanently opposed groups of university employees. Ideas suggested by the article may impulse further investigations of academic and managerial university identities, for deeper understanding the nature of academic professionals’ and professional managers’ conflicts.

Key words: university management, academic values, managerialism, conflict of identities, professionalization.



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