Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Lecturing philosophical bases of social sciences and history: from isolated paradigms to integration of universals aspects

N.S. Rozov
80,00 ₽


N.S. Rozov is Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), prof., chief scientific researcher at Institute for Philosophy and Law, SO RAS; head of sub-faculty at Novosibirsk State University; and prof. at Novosibirsk State Technological University e-mail:


Researched are traditional in Russian higher school philosophical, primarily ontological, bases of social sciences and history, teaching through acquaintance with this or that set of paradigms. These paradigms are usually presented as isolated, not commensurable in their concepts, logic, language. Graduates of universities will deal not with separate paradigms, but with real situations of social reality, that needs to be understood, and mono-paradigmal approaches here usually do not help. The article suggests alternative: educational programs are structured not by paradigms but by universal and interconnected aspects of social life. The aspects are grouped by levels on micro-macro scale, where each aspect is matched by the most relevant paradigms and key theories.

Key words: paradigm, integration of paradigms, social theory, fundamental approaches, social cognition, social philosophy, teaching of social sciences, methodology of history, fundamental sociology, micro-macro scale.



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