Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Training of cadres for innovative economic of Russia

R.G. Guseyn-zade
80,00 ₽


R.G. Guseyn-zade is post-graduate student at Moscow Technological University (MIREA) e-mail:


Presented is research of the problem of compensation of influence of demography recession on development of economics in contemporary Russia, being in need of active introducing of innovations. Basis of the research is composed of analysis of sociological data, as well as content analysis of documentary sources of information. Revealed are reasons of relatively low effectiveness of Russian innovative system, conditioned by existing problems in higher education. Examined are reasons of lowering of quality of education in Russia. Shown is importance for elaboration of new strategy for development of higher education in Russia. Results of the research might be applied in socio-economic sphere, social and educational politics, and also for improvement of effectiveness of activity of universities, and the system of higher education as a whole.

Key words: innovative economy, economy of knowledge, demography crisis, system of higher education, quality of education, reforms in education, problems of higher education.



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