Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Application of artificial intellect systems for evaluation of entrepreneurial competences

N.I. Lomakin, Е.А. Козлова, Г.И. Лукьянов
80,00 ₽

N.I. Lomakin is Cand.Sci. (Economy), doc. at Volgograd State Technical University e-mail:; E.A. Kozlova is director of school-gymnasium no. 37, Volzhsky city e-mail:; and G.I. Lukyanov is Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), prof. at Volzhsky Polytechnic Institute (branch) of Volgograd State Technical University e-mail:


Researched are problems of application of artificial intelligence systems in educational process in higher education are investigated. A hypothesis has been put forward and proved, that using the neural network model of perceptron, it is possible to successfully evaluate the competencies of students in the discipline “Organization of entrepreneurial activity”. To obtain a comprehensive assessment of student’s competence, a system of assessing relevant competence was required, taking into account the level of knowledge on specific topics, that required development of appropriate monitoring and evaluation tools and technologies.

Key words: higher education, neural network, training of students, assessment of competence, perceptron, individualized learning.


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