A.P. Neverov is assistant e-mail:;
S.M. Andreeva is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. e-mail:; and
A.M. Andreeva is senior lecturer e-mail:
at Belgorod State University of Arts and Culture
Discussed are problems of breeding the youth in connection with growing various challenges and threats to modern society. The issue of growing role of breeding under conditions of informational society is elaborated. The article indicates the need to avoid “tick” system, when many events are held for the sake of the events themselves. Educational activities should have a clear structure, being built on the basis of a system, where task process itself and expected result should be laid in the process of the event itself, and evaluation criteria for compliance with stated goals, achievement of planned result. Within the framework of the article, the problem of educational event will be indicated. Also analyzed is the problem of perception of information.
Key words: events, breeding, information, system, personality, subject, activity.
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