Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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On the role and importance of achievements of natural science in the study of light and color for art and art education

D.N. Demenev
80,00 ₽

D.N. Demenev is Cand.Sci. (Philosophy), doc. at Magnitogorsk State Technical University n.a. G.I. Nosov е-mail:


Presented is the analysis of humanitarian and natural scienct approaches to art problematic of light and color from position of integral philosophical approach. Discovered is interdependence of various branches of knowledge in the field of studying light and color, where philosophy is basic science. Noted is, that there is integration of philosophy not only with adjacent social and humanitarian sciences, but also with some branches of natural science (physic of light, photochemistry, physiology, etc.). Conclusion is made, that knowledge, connected with sensual (visual) cognition, have important significance for art education in particular as well as art as a whole. In the authors opinion, art education must in direct way, i.e. practically, use achievements of natural sciences in the field of studying light and color.

Key words: color, light, art, natural science, humanitaristic, humanism, value, poly-modal system, dialectic.



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