I.M. Рopelnitskaya is Cand.Sci. (Biology), doc. at Siberian Federal University e-mail: ; N.G. Shilina is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. at Krasnoyarsk State Medical University n.a. prof. V.F.Voyno-Yasenetsky e-mail:; and S.M. Gerashchenko is Cand.Sci. (Architecture), prof. at Siberian Federal University e-mail:
Presented are results of research of individual style of self-regulation of arbitrary activity of students with analysis of regulatory processes of planning, programming, modeling, evaluation of results, and also of such regulatory and personal characteristics, as independence and flexibility. Also given is detailed description of the experiment in high schools of the city of Krasnoyarsk with participation of 123 students of the specialty “General medicine”, 15 students of the specialty “Clinical psychology”, 27 students of the specialty “Medical cybernetics”, and 48 students of the specialty “Architecture”. Fixed and described are reliable differences in general level of self-regulation of students of various specialties. Also presented are the authors’ recommendations as to means of development of realized self-regulation of students as means of raising reliability of their educational activity.
Key words: general level of self-regulation, regulatory processes, students.
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