Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Tutorial technologies in pedagogical support of professional self-identification of bachelorship students

I.S. Razuvaev
80,00 ₽

I.S. Razuvaev is assistant of sub-faculty “Economy and management” at Penza State Technological University e-mail:

Presented is the author’s definition of the notion of “pedagogical support for professional self-identification of bachelorship students”. Substantiated is significance of tutorial forms of support of professional self-identification of bachelorship students in realization of the principle of student centrism. Defined is functional of tutor, that curator (mentor) of student group, realizing pedagogical support of the named process, might to instill on himself. Shown are general directions of the strategy of activity of curator of student academic group. Also enumerated are experimentally proved organizational pedagogical conditions of effectiveness of pedagogical support for professional self-identification of bachelorship students with the use of tutorial technologies.

Key words: professional self-identification, pedagogical support, tutorial technologies, tutorial position.



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