Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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How and to whom do people of the reform trust? The role of mass media in the process of building population’s confidence in economic reforms

A.N. Nevryuev
80,00 ₽

A.N. Nevryuev is senior lecturer at Financial University under the Government of the RF



Analyzed is the theme, how and to whom there is trust of population as to realization of various reforms, being sharply contradictive subject of research in psychological science. The article contains analysis of theoretical approaches, that are studying the named problematic. Presented is survey of modern psychological researches, opening possibility about conclusion, that there are limited number of factors, as to influence on formation peoples’ trust to realizing reforms, i.e. trust in origin, level of agreed of opinions among persons on the problem of economic reform, expressed identity of the group, that would be affected by the reform. Besides, to factors, forming trust, also ascribed are attributes of the very information: so, for example, such is accessible for residents, or speed of it’s spreading and discussion circulation. Also discussed are possible further directions of researches in the named field.

Key words: trust, economic reforms, theory of cultivation, mass media, modern media products, informational and psychological impact.


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