T.A. Naumova is Cand.Sci. (Psychology), doc. e-mail:; A.E. Shklyaev is Dr. Sci. (Medicine), doc., vice-rector e-mail: ; I.V. Reverchuk is Dr.Sci. (Medicine), prof. at Sub-faculty of pedagogy, psychology and psychosomatic medicine e-mail:; and L.F. Gimazova is master of pedagogy e-mail:
at Izhevsk State Medical Academy
Presented is the analysis of the problem of development of communicative competence of graduates of medical schools. Analyzed is the level of development of communicative competence of final-year students, interns and postgraduate students. Presented is the authors’ program of development of communicative competence of young doctors in the process of passing their courses at basic sub-faculty of higher education. Described is final experiment of realization of this program, that revealed positive changes in improvement of indicators of development of communicative competence in studied groups of doctors.
Key words: communicative competence, readiness for professional activity, competence, FGOS.
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