Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Post-modernism and contemporary philosophy of continental China: dominating factors of interpretation

D.S. Dzikevich
80,00 ₽


D.S. Dzikevich is post-graduate student at Lomonosov Moscow State University



Researched are conceptual processes, characteristic the practice of philosophical society of continental China (Chinese Peoples’ Republic) after elimination of ideological monopoly of official Marxism as theoretically dominating factor. Outlined aspects of philosophical discussions, approaches to interpretation of problem fields, and terminology in the process of their fundamental transformations. The author presents her opinion on corresponding problems, basing on her own experience of two academic probations at two leading universities of China. Material of the article might be of interest for all those, who is connected with study in theoretical language of philosophy of post-modernism and genesis of philosophical discourse in contemporary China.

Key words: contemporary Chinese philosophy, A.N. Whitehead, philosophy of process, post-modernism in modern Chinese philosophy.



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