B.K. Kolomiets is Cand.Sci. (Engineering), doc., leading researcher at Institute of Quality of Higher Education of MISIS e-mail:
Researched is the theme of acceleration of processes of contemporary cycle of intellectualization, the first phase of such is informatization. Researched theme, in opinion of the author, needs adequate and well-timed reflection in content of systems of actions and education. Review of such is presented in the article in theoretical and applied plans on the base of the author’s generalized model of intellect (in short plan collective component of hybrid intellect) as invariant core of uninterrapted general intellectual training for most kinds of engineering and research activities.
Key words: intellect, information, intellectualization, informatization, invariants.
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26. Kolomiets, B.K. Intellect in the process of intellectualization: the beginning of 21st century. URL: