Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Influence of dance aerobics exercises on development of motor abilities of girl students

E.G. Monakhova, N.V. Lukyanets, M.R. Davidenko
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E.G. Monakhova is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc.; N.V. Lukyanets is doc.; and M.R. Davydenko is senior lecturer at Novokuznetsk Institute (branch) of Kemerovo State University e-mail:


Researched is the theme of developing motor abilities of girl students, as well as formation of their interest in physical exercises. Stated is, that prevailed in long time duration approach to the use in practice of traditional means and methods of physical education leads to decrease in interest of girl students in training classes in this discipline. This is being demonstrated dissatisfaction of girl students in exercises, premature fatigue and weakening of attention, unwillingness and non-readiness in active training. The solution of this problem requires the search, development and application of new, more effective means and methods, enabling to increase interest of girl students to physical exercises, to activate motor activity, thereby increasing their level of physical fitness.

Key words: physical culture, physical exercises, preparation part of training lesson, movement activity, physical readiness, dance aerobics, motor abilities, pedagogical experiment.




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