S.S. Kulikova is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. at Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia in St. Petersburg e-mail:
Researched is modern educational environment as object of professional activity of pedagogue, who needs to solve new educational tasks on the base of Internet technologies. One of such tasks is organization of network collaboration activity of students in network environment. The article reveals features and educational value of collaborative activity of students. The concept of “students’ network collaboration” is specified, and also novelty and uniqueness of this phenomenon is revealed. The model of students’ network collaboration organization is described. As bases for description of the model, outlined are objectives, activity of subjects of education (pedagogue and students), instruments of organization of network collaboration activity, and effectiveness of the model.
Key words: collaborative activity, network collaboration activity of students, model of network collaboration activity, network educational environment, modern educational environment.
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