V.I. Klimov is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), doc. at Yelets State University n.a. I.A. Bunin
Presented is the research in criteria, indicators and levels of aesthetic breeding of university students by means of Russian music folklore, and also described is their comparative diagnostic at different stages of experimental work. The result of this research was development of the author’s program of special course of “Russian musical folklore”, which was subsequently successfully tested at Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Yelets State University n.a. I.A. Bunin and also Yelets State College of Arts n.a. T.N. Khrennikov. Comparative analysis of results of the study made it possible to consider developed by the author program “Russian musical folklore” and pedagogical conditions as effective.
Key words: aesthetic breeding, Russian music folklore, diagnostic, levels of formed aesthetic breeding.
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