A.A. Prots is post-graduate student; and A.S. Kazarinov is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy) at Korolenko Glazov State Pedagogical Institute. e-mail:
Reviewed is correspondence as to international standard of WorldSkills International of one of direction of training of masters in the field of Web competencies. The article presents possible advantages, as to correlation of requirenments between professional standards with with educational programs of higher professional institutions, as well as examined are possibilities of using of such standars for effective imllementation of them fot effectine training of students to professional activity. Also presented are arguments for necessity of improvement of FGOS on the basis of their comparison with professional standards of WorldSkills International. In the article presented are such variants of modernizing FGOS, as introducing of more detailed requirements to results of training of students, and elaboration of more perfect criteria for evaluation of quality of training at higher educational institutions.
Key words: Web-design, Web-programming, standard of WorldSkills, mastership.
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- URL:
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