Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Problem of exam in module rating system of control over study progress of students

N.I. Sidnyaev, S.K. Sobolev
80,00 ₽  


N.I. Sidnyaev is Dr.Sc. (Engineering), prof., head of sub-faculty; S.K. Sobolev is Cand.Sc. (Physic & Mathematic), doc. at Bauman Moscow State Technical University


Elaborated is the theme of rating system of monitoring students’ progress, that is effective tool in objective evaluation of knowledge and skills, and also of activizing and planning of more even studies throughout semester. Presented are requirements for mathematical education of students. Examined is the role of exam in the system of rating control, as well as influence of selected parameters of rating system on possibility of obtaining by student one or another mark in discipline subject reckoning exam. Considerable attention is paid to methods of forming of modern worldview during training of engineering cadres. The material would be useful for lecturers and methodists,as well as special sub-faculties at technical universities.

Key words: rating, passing, disciplines, exam, admission, scores, programs, progress, module, control.



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