Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Acmeological support of formation of readiness of students to professional activity

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I.S. Drobot is Dr.Sc. (Pedagogy), doc., head of division at Military Scientific Committee of Armed Forces of the RF


Analyzed is the theme of acmeological support of formation of readiness of high school students to professional activity. Taking into account current difficulties in accurate evaluation as to results of training, offered is by assessment of formation of professional competences of students to use modern psychological and acmeological methods and means of control and measurement of students’s state with using hardware and software systems for monitoring adaptive capacity of organism. Realization of measures of acmeological support of professionalization of subjects of activity proposed is with taking into account system of quantum, models of early identification of state of specialists, that allows, along with results of research studies in effectiveness of training professionals, to evaluate real level of formed competence, as well as arrange correction of professional formation and development of specialist already at the stage of university studies.

Key words: competence, activity, system of quantum, diagnostic, acmeological support.



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