Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Detection of semantic content of artworks

O.W. Goloshchapova
80,00 ₽


O.W. Goloshchapova is Lecturer at Institute of Аdditional education of

Altai State Institute of Culture, Barnaul



Examined is subject significance of art as to artistic-aesthetic development of student’s personality. Shown is the nature of meaning in musical art. The author analyzes the problem of detection of semantic content of artwork, required for full impact of art on child’s personality. Art represents a certain inter-relationship between the artists (in broad sense of the word) and the individual, perceiving his creative product. In the process of the work of art, the author of the article states, is being formed the individual, who cognizes itself, and by accuracy measure depends quality of the dialog of artwork and perceiving it person. The article considers possibility of achieving the goal of full perception of the text of culture in artistic and aesthetic education.

Key words: semantics, meaning in art, artistic image, perception of artistic text.



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