Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Structure of pedagogical expertise of praxeological training of students for professional activity

D.N. Devyatlovsky, V.V. Ignatova
80,00 ₽


D.N. Devyatlovsky is Ph. D. in Pedagogic Sc., doc.

at Lesosibirsk branch of Siberian State Technological University


V.V. Ignatova is D. Sc. in Pedagogy, prof., head of sub-faculty

at Siberian State Technological University


Examined is the problem of solving of important pedagogical task, associated with elaboration of nature and content of expertise of praxiological training of students in higher education institution for future professional activity. Defined is the essence of the notion of “pedagogical expertise of praxiological training of students at higher education institution for professional activity”. Also presented is detailed structure for solving of concrete pedagogical expertise of praxiological training of students to professional activity. Picked out and in detail described are basic components of the structure of the named expertise. Defined are concrete recommendations for using of such expertise in practical activity of higher educational institutions during the process of training students in professional activity.

Key words: students, evaluation, pedagogical expertise, praxiological training, structure of pedagogical expertise.