UDC 378:355+159.943
Yuri G. Bychenko, Dr. Sci. (Sociology), Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at Saratov Military Order of Zhukov of the Red Banner Institute of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, ORCID: 0000-0003-2094-6453, e-mail: bychenkoug@gmail.com
Evgeniya A. Zinovieva, Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Associate Professor of Department of State and Legal Disciplines at Balakovo Branch of the Saratov State Law Academy, Balakovo-city, Saratov region, e-mail: sgap-balakovo@list.ru
The dual content of the process of professional motivation is clarified: as a system of factor mechanisms that determine the professional behavior of subjects; as a characteristic of a labor person, his orientation / non-orientation towards obtaining a specialty and implementing professional activities, professional needs of a person, his internal and external driving factors. The professional motivation of a cadet manifests itself not only as a set of motivating actions that determine the approval of the motives for choosing a military profession, but also the need for long-term performance of professional duties of a serviceman. It is proved that the process of complex motivation of cadets of the military institute is carried out at three levels: weighing — based on the analysis of the surrounding situation, determining the preferences of behavior strategies; social planning — task specification, primary formation of professional motives; transformation of professional labor action — renewal of professional activity practices.
Within the framework of training at the military institute, the design of professional motivation is a single, multi-system component that reflects the unity of projects: 1) educational and cognitive development; 2) professional stimulation; 3) service and labor motivation. The types of formation of professional motivation of cadets are specified: 1) a normal stable process from the first to the fifth year (characterized by the consistent formation of abilities and motives for professional activity); 2) deviant process (episodic manifestations of destructive processes mainly in the initial courses, characterized by maladaptation professional practices).
The factors of inhibition of the processes of formation of professional motivation of cadets of a modern military institute are revealed: insufficient material allowance of cadets; inconsistency of vocational guidance work in the system of pre-university and university education; reduction of guarantees of social protection and service and labor stability of military professional activity of students in military institutes; disunity of various components of professional motivation of cadets (personal-thinking, as well as practical-effective).
Keywords: professional motivation, military institute, educational process, cadets, management, design, motivational readiness of cadets.
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