UDC 316.4:376
T.V. Sklyarova is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), doc., head of department e-mail: skliarovatv@gmail.com; D.V. Zaitsev is Dr.Sci. (Sociology), prof. e-mail: zaitsevd@bk.ru at Saratov State Technical University n.a. Yu.A. Gagarin; and O.V. Zaitseva is Cand.Sci. (Jurisprudence), doc. at Saratov State Law Academy
Discussed if the problem of inclusion of children-invalid into society. Education is one of the main institutions of social inclusion, a social lift for children with disabilities. At the same time, modern education remains highly risky and in some cases generates social problems. Inclusion is seen as resource for changing the life of disabled child, his family, and significant changes in education, social services and social protection systems. The article presents the authors’ analysis of the process of inclusion of children with disabilities from point of view of criticism of modern Russian social policy, incl. the field of education. Current legislation does not reflect effective mechanisms for creating inclusive environments and in many ways declaratively.
Key words: inclusive education, equality of rights, tolerance, social policy, inclusion, children with disabilities, accessible environment.
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