UDC 316.4
I.K. Animokov is lecturer; and M.Kh. Mashekuasheva is Ph.D. (Psychology), Ass. Prof. Both at the Department of State and Civil Law Disciplines at the North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia e-mail: mashekuasheva@mail.ru
Researched are features spreading of ideology of extremism and its most vulnerable social aspect. In the opinion of the authors, the theme of social spreading of extremism is most significant for modern criminal situation. The social aspect of spreading of extremism is expressed both in external and internal unstable state of the state, absence of a single information space. An analysis of legal sources in the legal issue of extremism makes it possible to conclude that the legislative framework needs to be improved.
Key words: extremism, dissemination, peculiarities, ideology, youth, social aspect, politics.
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