E.A. Britikova is Cand.Sci. (Sociology), senior lecturer at Kuban State Agrarian University n.a. I.T. Trubilin e-mail:
Presented is theoretical and empirical analysis of transformation processes of Russian society of the years of 1990–2000 from the point of view of modernization of education. From political nature of domestic society, as well as the overall strategy of integration into world economic system, natural leading role of powerful factors is naturally determined. Substantiated is ambiguity of this situation: on the one hand, it predetermined partial sense of post-Soviet modernization, on the other hand, it provided preservation of national social system. Conclusion is made, that under present conditions of factual failure of Europe from integration with Russia and sharpening of geopolitical situation constructive meaning of power resources might be growing.
Key words: power structures, subjects of modernization, social resources, transformational structure, Russian society, globalization, world system, economic of raw materials.
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