Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Staffing for information security

E.V. Burkova
80,00 ₽
UDC 004.5:349+378

Elena V. Burkova, PhD in Pedagogics, Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Information Protection, Orenburg State University, e-mail:


The problems of training qualified information security specialists are considered. Statistical data on the growth of threats to information security in the modern complex geopolitical environment is analyzed, and a forecast for the development of the cybersecurity market in Russia until 2027 is given. In this regard, the high need of the Russian economy for staffing in the field of information security in its various sectors, the characteristics of which are given in the article, is justified. The main factors creating problems in the process of training information security specialists are the contradictions between educational programs, professional standards and regulatory requirements for the competencies of specialists in this field, as well as the lack of uniform assessment tools for the quality of education. The main directions for improving the quality of training of information security specialists are considered: organization of additional education on the basis of technical universities; corporate universities following; joint training programs for specialists with leading companies in the field of information security providing their base; further development of the system of cyber exercises and cyber competitions. It is concluded that the introduction of innovative teaching methods and overcoming contradictions at the state level will solve the problems of training information security specialists.

Keywords: information security, threats, security incidents, specialist competencies, cyber exercises, cyber training grounds



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