Julia V. Aleeva, Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), Senior lecturer of Department of General and Social Pedagogy, Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul, e-mail: yaleeva73@mail.ru
Irina V. Glushkova, Departmental assistant, student at the Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy, Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul, e-mail: gi-2001@bk.ru
In the article the problem of integration technologies of restorative mediation into the system of upbringing in to modern educational environment. The article presents the main directions of integration of restorative technologies into the system of upbringing in to the educational environment and new empirical data that allow us to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the upbringing process of the school reconciliation service. Thus, in the course of the conducted research, it was revealed that the activities of the school reconciliation service contribute to reducing the indicators of conflict and aggressiveness of schoolchildren (using the example of reducing the indicators of applying unproductive coping strategies in conflict situations). The material presented in the paper leads to the conclusion that the positive changes caused by the activities of the school reconciliation service demonstrate upbringing capabilities, and indicate in favor of continuing the integration of such services and restorative mediation into the system of upbringing of the educational environment.
Keywords: mediation, restorative technologies, school reconciliation service, deviant behavior, aggressive behavior, conflict behavior, coping strategies, upbringing, educational environment
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