UDC 316.6-056.3
N.T. Ibadullaeva is Doctoral Student at Department of Sociology at Baku State University e-mail: nurlana_86@mail.ru
Identified are the essence and indicators of aggression at the level of interpersonal relations in the educational environment of Azerbaijan were identified. The phenomenon of bullying has been found to consist of systematic or temporary physical or psychological violence committed in a group or individually, with an emphasis on a person who is mentally or physically weak. Under the conditions of bullying, high school students develop a stable relationship between the “victim” and the “criminal”. It is shown that the positive attitude of high school students, individual adaptive potential and neuropsychological stability, activity in interpersonal interactions and positive perception of others, reduction of anxiety can be an important condition for the formation of a number of positive psychological characteristics. Aggression is based on a difficult life situation. The most active factors of the viability of such behavior of schoolchildren who are participants in violence in the educational environment have been identified.
Key words: adolescents with disabilities, aggression in everyday life and at school, ways of overcoming.
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