Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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A shortened working week: From implementation issues to real experiments using the example of foreign practices

N.V. Chaplashkin
80,00 ₽
UDC 331

Nikolay V. Chaplashkin, Cand. Sc. (Sociology), Center of the development of education and international activities (“Interobrazovanie”), Moscow, e-library AuthorID: 661602, e-mail:

The article reveals the main aspects of introducing a shortened work schedule into Russian labor practice. The relevance of the topic is currently confirmed not only by the demands of society, but also by the objective technological development of society. Employees of organizations around the world are waiting for changes in approaches to organizing working hours in accordance with the challenges of the time, which not only contribute to the transition to more flexible forms of employment, including remote work, but also to reducing working hours. Using the example of foreign practice of experiments with shortening working hours, the main options possible for using a shortened working week in the world and in Russia in particular are structured. Currently, the practice of switching to a four-day working week is being implemented with a reduction in the length of the working week, maintaining the number of working hours per week, as well as various options with maintaining or reducing wages. The problematic issues of the introduction of a shortened working week are highlighted, both on the part of employers, and on the part of the authorities and employees.

Keywords: four-day workweek, shortened workweek, free employment, part-time employment, flexible working, distance employment, labor legislation, labor market transformation




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