Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Construction of an Algorithm for use of Information and Computer Technologies in Research Work of the Psychological Service of the University

A.N. Legkonogikh , S.L. Popova, N.I. Legkonogikh

UDC 378-027:159.9


A.N. Legkonogikh is Ass. Prof. at Rostov Institute of Improving Qualification and Retraining of Personnel of Education e-mail:; S.L. Popova is Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Ass. Prof. at Don State Technical University e-mail:   ; and N.I. Legkonogikh is Master Student at South Federal University e-mail:


Presented is developing of an algorithm for using information and computer technologies in the research work of the psychological service of universities in order to quickly respond and resolve the occurrence of conflict, psychological and other unstable situations between interacting internal and external audiences of the university. The relevance of the issue is emphasized by the author's research and the low efficiency of the psychological service with students and teachers of the university, which was revealed on the basis of numerous surveys of all test groups during 2020–2021. The study was conducted using a Google questionnaire, a representative sample — general contacts in social networks and messengers, as well as direct mail. The Google-form automatically summarized and structured the survey results after receiving the responses. The results are used to identify the key vector of constructing the algorithm of the psychological service of the Don State Technical University with the intensification of the use and deep penetration of information and computer technologies in this process. It is confirmed that the surveys of students and teachers of the university with the help of internal network resources or printed questionnaires, currently conducted by universities — are not the whole algorithm of those technologies that are available and acceptable for providing timely and professional psychological support to all representatives of the university conglomerate. The results of the study were discussed collectively at the Don State University and other universities in Rostov-on-Don online, on the platform “Boiling Point” in May 2021.

Key words: psychological support at the university, research tools, information and computer technologies, the algorithm of operation.



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