UDC 130.2:51
V.A. Meider is Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), prof. at Volzsky branch of Volgograd State University e-mail: v.meider@yandex.ru
Analyzed is the theme of philosophical and mathematical synthesis in scientific works of P.A. Florensky. Multifaceted creative heritage of Russian thinker and humanist P.A. Florensky allows to reveal his personal qualities, as well as importance of elaborated by him union of philosophy and mathematics in modeling of phenomena of real and possible world, and also in formation of new type of human worldview. That allows to recreate concrete image of philosopher of “Silver age”, and to show actuality of his scientific heritage as to modernity.
Key words : philosophy, mathematics, worldview, science, culture, truth, reality, possibility.
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- Bulgakov, S.N. Compositions: In 2 vols. Moscow, 1993.
- Cantor, G. Works on set theory. Moscow, 1985.
- Leibniz, G.-V. Writings: In 4 vols. Moscow, 1984.
- Losev, A.F. Remembering Florensky. Literary Studies. 1988. No. 2.
- Mordukhay-Boltovsky, D.D. Philosophy. Psychology. Mathematics. Мoscow, 1998.
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- Florensky, P.A. Compositions: In 4 vols. Moscow, 1994-2000.
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