Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Geographical spreading and causes of arouse scientific supervising of dissertation defense

L.B. Erstein

UDC 378

DOI 10.20339/AM.07-23.052


Leonid B. Ershteyn, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Senior researcher in Department of Medical and Biological Disciplines at Glazov State Pedagogical Institute n.a. V.G. Korolenko; Associate Professor of Department of Information Technologies and Systems at Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, ORCID: 0000-0003-2802-0727, e-mail:


The article considered a problem of origin scientific supervising of dissertation defense. The article revealed why are scientific supervising appeared. At the same time article researched actual expansion of this phenomena around all of the world. The paper showed the scientific supervising was appeared due of needs a society in the new information. At the starting these needs were realized by the social institute of religion. But by the time religion was not be able to satisfied the growing demands of the society for getting the new information. As answer for it based on the methods of natural researches arose the social institute of science. The article proved the origin оf scientific supervising from institutionalizations of science. The paper stated the arising of scientific management from the necessity to confirm by junior researchers their capability to do complicated science research at the one hand and needs to transfer their scientific knowledge and skills by the experienced researchers to their students at the other hand. The article asserted the scientific supervising as action of esoterically paradigm of social development which have been intruded into rational and technological paradigms of modern society. The paper attempted to estimate the geographical spreading of scientific supervising. Based on analyses of quantity people who have been working in the science, quantity of scientific publications and expenses for science has made a conclusion the scientific management is very extendible phenomena of society which could be found there the postgraduation studies is. At the same time the article stated difficulties to estimate of spreading the formal scientific supervising around the world because directly this kind of statistics do not keep.  

Keywords: scientific supervising, dissertation defense, institutionalization, social institution.



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