UDC 378
A.N. Voytkova is Cand.Sci. (Philology), doc. e-mail: nasstenka@yandex.ru; T.V. Smetanina is Cand.Sci. (Philology), doc. e-mail: stloulou@yandex.ru; and E.A. Universalyuk is Cand.Sci. (Philology), doc. e-mail: elenauniv@mail.ru at Baikal State University
Analyzed is necessity of cognitive and discourse competence development in arts critic students. Highlighted is, that according to requirements of modern world, specialist should be able to apply knowledge of different areas (culture, science, history, etc.), and also to be able to make not only intellectual but also entertaining contribution, when doing professional job. One of the problem of state of museums is being noted unsuccessful communication, for solving of such there is need to change the way of presenting of material, and to make it more competitive. In the article, the authors emphasize importance and necessity of learning foreign languages to communicate successfully with representatives of other cultures, as well as for proper development and professional growth of self-development and professional growth of art critic.
Key words: cognitive discourse competence, professional education, museum institutions, intellectual product, economy of wishes, students arts critic.
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