Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Forecasting the results of the session based on the analysis of the current academic performance of students using the data of the information management system “Electronic University”

Vladimir T. Kalugin, Alexander Yu. Lutsenko, Alexey G. Ivanov, V.A. Igritsky, E.V. Ippolitova, Aleksandr N. Korolev, Dinara K. Nazarova, Andrey D. Novikov, Irina K. Romanova-Bolshakova, Alexey S. Filimonov

UDC 378:005.6-052 


Vladimir T. Kalugin, Dr. Sc. (Technics), Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Special Engineering at Bauman Moscow State Technical University, e-mail:

Alexander Yu. Lutsenko, Cand. Sc. (Technics), Docent, First Deputy Dean for Academic Studies at Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Alexey G. Ivanov, Senior Teacher, Deputy Dean at Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Vladimir A. Ippolitova, Cand. Sc. (Technics), Associate Professor, Deputy Dean at Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Aleksandr N Korolev, Senior Teacher, Deputy Dean at Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Dinara K. Nazarova, Cand. Sc. (Technics), Associate Professor, Deputy Dean at Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Andrey D. Novikov, Cand. Sc. (Technics), Associate Professor, Deputy Dean at Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Irina K. Romanova-Bolshakova, Cand. Sc. (Technics), Associate Professor, Deputy Dean at Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Alexey S. Filimonov, Cand. Sc. (Technics), Docent, Deputy Dean at Bauman Moscow State Technical University


One of the actual tasks of the Dean’s office is regular monitoring and analysis of academic performance during the semester in order to predict the results of the session and identify lagging students, work with whom should be given priority. A large contingent of students on the course, which can be several hundred people, requires both direct communication with participants of the educational process and the use of special electronic information systems to organize effective monitoring of academic performance. The article provides brief information about the display of current academic performance in the information management system “Electronic University” (IMS “EU”) of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The main methods of determining the level of a student’s current academic performance using the data of the IMS “EU” are presented. Comparison and analysis of the data of the IMS “EU” on the current academic performance of students of the “Special Mechanical Engineering” Faculty of Bauman Moscow State Technical University in November 2022 was carried out in comparison with the results of the winter session of the 2022–2023 academic year for the same students. Based on the analysis, a criterion for identifying lagging students is proposed based on the results of the analysis of current academic performance using the IMS “EU” and recommendations are given on ways to improve the effectiveness of such an analysis.

Keywords: information management system “Electronic University”, information educational system, student performance, analysis of student performance, forecasting the results of the students’ session.




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